Class | Description |
ArchivesDS |
Datasource to handle impex archives grid lists.
BookmarksDS |
Datasource to retrieve the bookmarks of the current user.
CalendarEventsDS |
Data source to retrieve calendar events.
ChannelsDS |
Datasource to show cluster channels.
ContactsDS |
Data Source to handle user's contacts grid lists.
DiscussionsDS |
Datasource to handle documents grid lists.
DocumentHistoryDS |
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
DocumentNotesDS |
Datasource to handle document notes grid lists.
DocumentsDS |
Data Source to handle documents grid lists.
DuplicatesDS |
Datasource to handle duplicates documents grid lists.
EmailAccountsDS |
Datasource to retrieve all import folders.
EventsDS |
Data source to show notes in the posts portlet.
FeedMessagesDS |
Datasource to retrieve the feed messages.
FolderHistoryDS |
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
FoldersDS |
Datasource to handle folders and sub-folders structures.
FolderTemplatesDS |
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
GarbageDS |
Datasource to handle the garbage of the current user.
GroupsDS |
Datasource to retrieve all groups.
ImpexFoldersDS |
Datasource to retrieve all folders inside the impex/in folder.
ImportFoldersDS |
Datasource to retrieve all import folders.
IncrementalArchivesDS |
Datasource to handle imcremental export archives grid lists.
LanguagesDS |
Datasource to retrieve the installed languages.
LinksDS |
Datasource to handle documents grid lists.
MenuesDS |
Datasource to handle menues.
MessagesDS |
Datasource to retrieve the system messages for the current user.
ParsersDS |
Datasource to retrieve all the parsers.
PostsDS |
Data source to handle documents grid lists.
PropertiesDS |
Datasource to retrieve all system properties.
RightsDS |
Datasource to handle rights on a folder.
SavedSearchesDS |
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
SessionsDS |
Datasource to retrieve a list of sessions.
SubscriptionsDS |
Datasource to retrieve the subscriptions of the current user.
TagsDS |
Datasource to retrieve all documents tags.
TasksDS |
Datasource to retrieve the bookmarks of the current user.
TemplatesDS |
Datasource to retrieve all templates.
UserHistoryDS |
Datasource to handle user history grid lists.
UsersDS |
Datasource to retrieve all users.
VersionsDS |
Datasource to handle versions grid lists.
WorkflowHistoriesDS | |
WorkflowsDS | |
WorkflowTasksDS | |
WorkflowTriggersDS |
Datasource to handle workflow trigger lists.
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