Class | Description |
BookmarkDialog | |
BookmarksPanel |
This panel shows the current user's bookmarks
BulkCheckinDialog |
This popup window is used to handle a bulk checkout.
BulkStandardPropertiesPanel |
Shows document's standard properties available for bulk update.
BulkUpdateDialog |
This popup window is used to allow the users to input the data for a bulk
BulkUpdatePanel |
This panel collects all documents details needed by a bulk update.
DocumentCalendarPanel |
This panel shows the calendar events on a document
DocumentCheckin |
This popup window is used to upload a checked-out document to the server.
DocumentContextMenu |
This context menu is used for grids containing document records.
DocumentDetailsPanel |
This panel collects all documents details
DocumentDetailTab |
Superclass for all tab panels in the document details area
DocumentsGrid |
Grid used to show a documents list during navigation or searches.
DocumentsListPanel |
This panel shows a list of documents in a tabular way.
DocumentsMenu |
The left menu
DocumentsPanel |
This panel implements the browser on the documents archive
DocumentsUploader |
This popup window is used to upload documents to the server.
DocumentToolbar |
The toolbar to handle some documents aspects
EditNoteWindow |
This is the form used to send a new note
EmailDialog |
This is the form used to send emails and download tickets
ExtendedPropertiesPanel |
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
HistoryPanel |
This panel shows the history of a document
LinksPanel |
This panel shows the links of a document
NotesPanel |
This panel shows the notes on a document
RatingDialog | |
RetentionPoliciesPanel |
Shows document's retention policies
ScanDialog |
This popup window is used to upload documents to the server.
SendToArchiveDialog |
This popup window is used to send documents or folders to an archive.
SignClosureDialog |
This popup window is used to sign documents or view signatures.
SignDialog |
This popup window is used to sign documents or view signatures.
SignVerifyDialog |
This popup window is used to view signatures.
StandardPropertiesPanel |
Shows document's standard properties and read-only data
ThumbnailPanel |
This panel shows the notes on a document
TrashPanel |
This panel shows the current user's garbage
VersionsDiff |
Show differences between two versions
VersionsPanel |
This panel shows a list of versions of a document in a tabular way.
WorkflowDialog |
This popup window is used to start a workflow on the selected documents.
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