Class | Description |
Accordion |
This panel contains all the workflow informations and it is next to its
drawing panel.
DrawingPanel |
In this panel the graphical design of the workflow takes place.
PrimitivesToolstrip |
Toolbar with the primitives of the Workflow.
StateWidget |
Base visual representation of a Workflow object (a state or a transition).
StatusDialog |
This is the form used for the workflow joins and forks.
TaskDialog |
This is the form used for the workflow task and end nodes settings.
TransitionDialog |
This is the form used for the workflow transition settings
WorkflowDashboard |
Workflow dashboard that displays several portlets like a portal page.
WorkflowDesigner |
Where the workflow diagram is drawn
WorkflowDetailsDialog |
This popup window is used to visualize the details of a selected workflow.
WorkflowHistoryDialog |
This popup window is used to visualize the workflows histories.
WorkflowPortlet |
Portlet specialized in listing user workflow task records.
WorkflowToolstrip |
Workflow Tools
WorkflowTriggersPanel |
Displays the list of all workflow triggers on a folder.
WorkflowUploader |
This popup window is used to upload a new workflow schema to the server.
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