Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GUIDocument |
Session.getCurrentDocument() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DocumentObserver.onDocumentSaved(GUIDocument document)
Invoked after the document has been saved
void |
DocumentObserver.onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument document)
Invoked when the user selects a single document
void |
Session.setCurrentDocument(GUIDocument document) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Represents a document version
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GUIDocument[] |
GUIWorkflow.getAppendedDocs() |
GUIDocument |
GUICalendarEvent.getDocument(long id) |
GUIDocument[] |
GUICalendarEvent.getDocuments() |
GUIDocument[] |
GUIResult.getHits() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GUICalendarEvent.addDocument(GUIDocument newDoc) |
void |
GUIWorkflow.setAppendedDocs(GUIDocument[] appendedDocs) |
void |
GUICalendarEvent.setDocuments(GUIDocument[] documents) |
void |
GUIResult.setHits(GUIDocument[] hits) |
Constructor and Description |
ImageViewer(GUIDocument document)
Constructs the image respecting the original image size
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
Clipboard.add(GUIDocument e) |
void |
ClipboardObserver.onAdd(GUIDocument entry) |
void |
ClipboardObserver.onRemove(GUIDocument entry) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected GUIDocument |
DocumentToolbar.document |
protected GUIDocument |
DocumentDetailTab.document |
protected GUIDocument |
DocumentDetailsPanel.document |
protected GUIDocument |
BulkUpdatePanel.document |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GUIDocument |
DocumentDetailTab.getDocument() |
GUIDocument |
DocumentDetailsPanel.getDocument() |
GUIDocument |
BulkUpdatePanel.getDocument() |
GUIDocument |
DocumentsPanel.getSelectedDocument() |
GUIDocument |
Gets a bean representation of the currently selected item (not all
properties are populated).
GUIDocument |
DocumentsGrid.markSelectedAsCheckedIn() |
GUIDocument |
Renders the selected row as checked-out
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DocumentsPanel.onDocumentSaved(GUIDocument document) |
void |
DocumentsPanel.onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument document) |
protected void |
VersionsPanel.onDownload(GUIDocument document,
com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridRecord record) |
protected void |
VersionsPanel.onPreview(GUIDocument document,
com.smartgwt.client.widgets.grid.ListGridRecord record) |
void |
DocumentDetailsPanel.setDocument(GUIDocument document) |
void |
DocumentToolbar.update(GUIDocument document)
Updates the toolbar state on the basis of the passed document
void |
DocumentsGrid.updateSelectedRecord(GUIDocument document)
Updates the selected record with new data
Constructor and Description |
BulkStandardPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument document) |
BulkUpdateDialog(long[] ids,
GUIDocument metadata,
boolean checkin,
boolean majorVersion) |
BulkUpdatePanel(GUIDocument metadata) |
DocumentCalendarPanel(GUIDocument document) |
DocumentCheckin(GUIDocument document,
String filename,
DocumentsGrid documentsGrid) |
DocumentDetailTab(GUIDocument document, changedHandler,
DocumentObserver observer) |
ExtendedPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument document, changedHandler) |
HistoryPanel(GUIDocument document) |
LinksPanel(GUIDocument document) |
NotesPanel(GUIDocument document) |
RetentionPoliciesPanel(GUIDocument document, changedHandler) |
StandardPropertiesPanel(GUIDocument document, changedHandler,
DocumentObserver observer) |
ThumbnailPanel(GUIDocument document) |
VersionsPanel(GUIDocument document,
DocumentObserver observer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GDocsCheckin.onCheckin(GUIDocument document,
GDocsEditor parentDialog,
DocumentsGrid grid) |
Constructor and Description |
GDocsCheckin(GUIDocument document,
GDocsEditor parentDialog,
DocumentsGrid grid) |
GDocsEditor(GUIDocument document,
DocumentsGrid grid) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
MainMenu.onDocumentSaved(GUIDocument document) |
void |
MainMenu.onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument document) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StatusBarIcons.onAdd(GUIDocument entry) |
void |
StatusBarIcons.onRemove(GUIDocument entry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SearchPanel.onDocumentSaved(GUIDocument document) |
void |
HitsListPanel.onDocumentSaved(GUIDocument document) |
void |
SearchPanel.onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument document) |
void |
HitsListPanel.onDocumentSelected(GUIDocument document) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major)
Checks-in a new document version
GUIDocument |
GDocsService.checkin(String sid,
long docId,
String comment,
boolean major)
Performs the check-in of a Google Docs's document into the LogicalDOC
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo)
Creates a new empty document
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.deleteVersions(String sid,
long[] ids)
Deletes a selection of versions
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.getById(String sid,
long docId)
Retrieves a specific document by its ID
GUIDocument | sid,
GUIDocument document)
Saves the document in the DB
GUIDocument[] | sid,
String expression)
Search in documents into Google Docs
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DocumentService.addDocuments(String sid,
String encoding,
boolean importZip,
GUIDocument metadata)
Adds new documents previously uploaded, with metadata specification.
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.addDocuments(String sid,
String encoding,
boolean importZip,
GUIDocument metadata,<Void> callback) |
void |
DocumentService.bulkUpdate(String sid,
long[] ids,
GUIDocument vo)
Applies to a selection of documents all the given data.
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.bulkUpdate(String sid,
long[] ids,
GUIDocument vo,<Void> callback) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major)
Checks-in a new document version
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major,<GUIDocument> callback) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentService.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo)
Creates a new empty document
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo,<GUIDocument> callback) |
GUIDocument | sid,
GUIDocument document)
Saves the document in the DB
void | sid,
GUIDocument document,<GUIDocument> callback) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major,<GUIDocument> callback) |
void |
GDocsServiceAsync.checkin(String sid,
long docId,
String comment,
boolean major,<GUIDocument> callback) |
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo,<GUIDocument> callback) |
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.deleteVersions(String sid,
long[] ids,<GUIDocument> callback) |
void |
DocumentServiceAsync.getById(String sid,
long docId,<GUIDocument> callback) |
void | sid,
GUIDocument document,<GUIDocument> callback) |
Constructor and Description |
WebcontentEditor(GUIDocument document,
DocumentsGrid grid) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.deleteVersions(String sid,
long[] ids) |
static GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.fromDocument(Document doc,
GUIFolder folder) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.getById(String sid,
long docId) |
GUIDocument | sid,
GUIDocument document) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DocumentServiceImpl.addDocuments(String sid,
String encoding,
boolean importZip,
GUIDocument metadata) |
void |
DocumentServiceImpl.bulkUpdate(String sid,
long[] ids,
GUIDocument vo) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.checkin(String sid,
GUIDocument document,
boolean major) |
GUIDocument |
DocumentServiceImpl.createEmpty(String sid,
GUIDocument vo) |
GUIDocument | sid,
GUIDocument document) |
protected Document |
DocumentServiceImpl.toDocument(GUIDocument document)
Produces a plain new Document from a GUIDocument
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